Knowledge Management: Intranets and Portals
Speaking Engagement
December 5, 2018
Paul VanderMeer participates on a panel about how Intranets have evolved tremendously in the legal market, shifting from a place to find links, to beautiful, modern, practice management systems aimed at making lawyers more efficient in delivering service to clients.
In this webinar, panelists, whose firms range in size from 100 to over 1,800 lawyers, will provide examples of their intranets, best practices and lessons learned. They'll give you practical examples of modern intranet design, financial dashboards, use of social tool collaboration, integration with systems, guided search, information architecture options, how to reduce email via the intranet.
In this webinar, panelists, whose firms range in size from 100 to over 1,800 lawyers, will provide examples of their intranets, best practices and lessons learned. They'll give you practical examples of modern intranet design, financial dashboards, use of social tool collaboration, integration with systems, guided search, information architecture options, how to reduce email via the intranet.
Chief Knowledge Officer
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