The Unintended Consequences of Alabama’s Immigration Law on Victims of Domestic Violence
Note, 66 U. MIAMI L. REV. 701
Robert L. Raskopf serves as the featured speaker at The New York Intellectual Property Law Association’s January Committee Meeting, where he provides an analysis of the trademark infringement case Pennsylvania State University v. Vintage Brand, LLC.
Ryan J. Coyle participates in a panel titled The Confluence of US Anti-Deferral Regimes and US Beneficiaries of Foreign Trusts during the Florida Bar's International Tax Conference. The session discusses the rules applied to US owners of foreign entities and alternatives to US clients who find thems...
Scott N. Wagner serves as a panelist for Strafford's webinar titled Opting Out of Class Actions: Key Considerations for Plaintiffs; How Defendants Can Keep the Class Together. The panel guides counsel for putative class members on what factors to consider when advising clients on whether to opt out ...