Successful Approaches to Development Opportunities
Bilzin Sumberg
Development Conference
October 05, 2018
Albert E. Dotson, Jr. and Eric Singer discuss strategies for identifying available properties, selecting an appropriate development program, and engaging with government and community stakeholders at Bilzin Sumberg's South Florida Redevelopment Conference.
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Last year, the Florida Legislature enacted HB 781, expanding the statutory framework for public-private partnerships (P3s) in Florida. The amendments to Section 255.065 of the Florida Statutes streamlined the process for review of unsolicited proposals, and provides local governments with the flexib...
Eric Singer speaks on The Future of Pre-Development Agreements in P3s panelat the P3 Government Conferencein Washington, D.C. The panelexplores how pre-development agreements serve as crucial tools for setting the foundation for successful collaboration between public entities and private partners.
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