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Are Mortgage Repurchase Demands a Case of Revisionist History?

Robert M. Siegel & Philip R. Stein

As we noted in a previous blog post, we believe that big aggregators of residential mortgage loans are attempting to revise history when they claim that they believed all along that all risk of borrower misrepresentations fell on correspondents.

We expand on this idea, and comment further on repurchase claims generally, in the article that we authored for The Scotsman’s Guide.

Development Conference March 15, 2023
Suzanne M. Amaducci and keynote speaker Jeff Krasnoff, Chief Executive Officer of Rialto Capital Management, discuss the state of real estate debt markets amid ongoing economic uncertainty at Bilzin Sumberg’s 4th Annual Development Conference.
Blog November 2, 2022
As claims based on pre-2008 loans sold and securitized in residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) trusts are still being resolved, industry analysts are bracing for a new wave of indemnification claims and put-back attempts. Credit Suisse Securities and Bank of America have both agreed to make...
Blog February 18, 2022
Last week, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York dealt a major blow to mortgage investors in two parallel actions pending for the past few years. The impact proved to be fatal to one of the actions, which was dismissed in its entirety. The other one was barely left standing. ...