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Upcoming MBA Regulatory Compliance Conference: September 29 in Washington, D.C.

Philip R. Stein

I will be a panelist at the Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) upcoming Regulatory Compliance Conference 2013 in Washington, D.C. I will participate in a session on Monday, September 30 at 1.30 p.m. entitled “Addressing Repurchases in the New Rep and Warrant Model.”

The session will address the latest developments involving the GSEs and FHFA, as well as private investors.  We will also discuss what may be on the horizon as the new rules take effect.

The conference offers a great opportunity to network with colleagues, compare notes on implementation successes, and gain a solid understanding of the new rules and requirements that will be enforced beginning in January 2014.

The MBA suggests that the following should attend:

  • In-house counsel
  • Compliance officers
  • Company executives
  • Government relations professionals
  • Policy directors
  • Quality assurance professionals
  • Anyone working to implement the new regulations

The conference will be held September 29 – October 1 at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel. Please click here to register for the event.

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