Why Savvy Investors Are Flocking To Florida
Florida Is The Future:
An Insider’s View of the Market
Bilzin Sumberg attorneys interview local business, community, and government leaders to get their insight on the state of Florida’s real estate market, the forces driving its growth, and what out-of-state investors and developers need to know to navigate this dynamic market.

“It is critical for new players to have local partners that thoroughly understand the different layers of regulations that could affect a given development, and the corollary to that is having local partners who also possess long-term relationships with county and municipal staff to help navigate all approval processes.” - Anthony De Yurre, Land Development & Government Relations Partner, Bilzin Sumberg

“With Florida’s pro-business climate and warm weather, the state has always been a target for corporate headquarter relocation and business expansion. Couple that with the elimination of the SALT deduction and a focus on quality of life issues in the age of COVID, Florida has gone from the shortlist to the default choice for expansion and relocation.”

“Florida is an interesting state and it's got a phenomenal regulatory scheme and a lot of great tools for reuse of urban areas, reuse of impacted areas, both at a state and local level, but it's also a very complex system. And those rules change greatly depending on where you are.” Says Howard Nelson, head of Bilzin Sumberg's Environmental Practice Group.